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解武祥 研究员、博士生导师 |
作为通讯作者或第一作者(含共同)在国内外期刊共发表学术论文50余篇,包含JACC(2篇)、Science Bulletin(2篇)、JAMA Network Open(2篇)、Age and Ageing(3篇)等期刊,Rank<10%的期刊论文15篇。主持国家自然科学基金、英国医学科学会牛顿国际学者基金、美国中华医学基金会公开竞争(CMB-OC2)项目、美国米尔斯坦亚美医学基金会老年专项基金等。相关科研成果曾获2021年度北京市科学技术进步二等奖。现担任Science Bulletin杂志客座编委、Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine杂志CardioNeurology版块副主编、 Experimental Biology and Medicine杂志编委、Aging and Disease杂志青年编委等。同时担任美国心脏病学会Fellow(FACC),中华预防医学会健康风险评估与控制专业委员会委员兼秘书长等。
(1) 2024.01-2026.12: 基于眼底照片的人工智能工具用于早期识别缺血性心脑血管疾病高风险人群的应用研究. 主持
(2) 2020.01-2023.12: 动脉硬化与阿尔兹海默病的关联及其表观遗传机制研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 主持.
(3) 2020.01-2022.12: Association between retinal microvascular abnormalities and incident mild cognitive impairment and dementia. 2019年度米尔斯坦老年研究专项基金, 美国米尔斯坦亚美医学基金会. 主持.
(4) 2016.03-2018.02: Dose-response relationship between air pollution and cardiovascular disease in Beijing. 2015年度牛顿国际学者项目, 英国医学科学会. 主持.
(5) 2014.01-2016.12: 前蛋白转化酶枯草溶菌素9与颈动脉粥样硬化进展关系的研究. 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 主持.
(1) Chenglong Li, Yidan Zhu, Yanjun Ma, Rong Hua, Baoliang Zhong, Wuxiang Xie (Correspondence). Association of Cumulative Blood Pressure with Cognitive Decline, Dementia and Mortality. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2022;79(14):1321-1335 (ESI高被引论文).
(2) Wuxiang Xie (Correspondence and co-first)*, Fanfan Zheng*, Li Yan, Baoliang Zhong. Cognitive decline before and after coronary events. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2019;73:3041-3050.
(3) Rong Hua, Yanjun Ma, Chenglong Li, Baoliang Zhong, Wuxiang Xie (Correspondence). Low levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and cognitive decline. Science Bulletin 2021;66:1684-1690.
(4) Yanjun Ma, Jianhao Xiong, Yidan Zhu, Zongyuan Ge, Rong Hua, Meng Fu, Chenglong Li, Bin Wang, Li Dong, Xin Zhao, Jili Chen, Ce Rong, Chao He, Yuzhong Chen, Zhaohui Wang, Wenbin Wei, Wuxiang Xie (Co-correspondence)#, Yangfeng Wu#. Deep learning algorithm using fundus photographs for 10-year risk assessment of ischemic cardiovascular diseases in China. Science Bulletin 2021;67(1):17-20.
(5) Rong Hua, Jianhao Xiong, Gail Li, Yidan Zhu, Zongyuan Ge, Yanjun Ma, Meng Fu, Chenglong Li, Bin Wang, Li Dong, Xin Zhao, Zhiqiang Ma, Jili Chen, Xinxiao Gao, Chao He, Zhaohui Wang, Wenbin Wei, Fei Wang, Xiangyang Gao, Yuzhong Chen, Qiang Zeng, Wuxiang Xie (Co-correspondence). Development and validation of a deep learning algorithm based on fundus photographs for estimating the CAIDE dementia risk score. Age and Ageing 2022;51(12):afac282.
(6) Yanjun Ma, Lirong Liang, Fanfan Zheng, Le Shi, Baoliang Zhong, Wuxiang Xie (Correspondence). Association between sleep duration and cognitive decline: a pooled study of two nationally representative ageing cohorts. JAMA Network Open 2020;3(9):e2013573 (ESI高被引论文).
(7) Chenglong Li, Yanjun Ma, Chao Yang, Rong Hua, Wuxiang Xie (Co-correspondence)#, Luxia Zhang#. Association of cystatin-c kidney function metrics with long-term deficit accumulation frailty trajectories and physical function decline. JAMA Network Open 2022.
(8) Wenya Zhang, Jie Liang, Chenglong Li, Darui Gao, Qian Ma, Yang Pan, Yongqian Wang, Wuxiang Xie (Co-correspondence), Fanfan Zheng. Age at Diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation and Incident Dementia. JAMA Network Open 2023;6(11):e2342744.
(9) Fanfan Zheng, Jie Liang, Chenglong Li, Qian Ma, Yang Pan, Wenya Zhang, Darui Gao, Yongqian Wang, Wuxiang Xie (Co-correspondence). Age at Onset of Heart Failure and Subsequent Risk of Dementia: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. JACC Heart Failure. Sep 27, 2023. Epublished DOI:10.1016/j.jchf.2023.08.006.
(10) Yanjun Ma, Rong Hua, Zhenchun Yang, Baoliang Zhong, Li Yan#, Wuxiang Xie (Co-correspondence) #. Different hypertension thresholds and cognitive decline: a pooled analysis of three aging cohorts. BMC Medicine 2021;19:287.